Welcome to New Mad Cowpicture's Blog.

Here you will find news, updates, special events & requests regarding New Mad Cowpictures.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

News: NEW DESK!!!


I finailly got a new MOTHER FUCKING desk, party time.

Thank you,

Monday, 20 July 2009

News: Brith by going on Hoilday.


For the last two weeks I've been hard at work with all sorts of projects, & last night it got to be that the last hoilday I had was at the end of Unhuman. Most of the time when I say I'm going to have a break I don't I always some how end up doing some production work. So I'm going to have a week early hoilday, so yeah. This doesn't effect anything part from I'm not working on Purple & Annoying or any other show until I come back.

Also my friend finally put the Purple & Annoying director's commentaries up online, the link is below. I'm going to give him the Warthog & ME ones next. Also episode five of Purple & Annoying is missing because Owen hasn't been over yet to record the commentary. Also theres going to be a few changes when I come back some good & some bad. Most of them are to do with me getting a HD capture card, new Xbox 360 & a job. Anyway see you then.

Purple & Annoying director's commentaries Playlist

Thank you,

Monday, 13 July 2009

News: Big red lights go away.


Well heres some updates for you, I've left all the files for upload at my friends place & he said he'll upload them. There be online to night or Tuesday. Also I've started to edit together Purple & Annoying Episode Eleven, well what footage I have. I fucked up when I was acting out some of the scenes so I'm going to reshoot them to night. I will also start to film part two to night aswell. Anyway that all I have to day at the moement. See ya.

Thank you,

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

News: My internet sucks.


After week of trying to find out why I couldn't upload onto You Tube, to find out that my Internet connection is slow as hell. Its like 16.0KB per seconds. So I'm going to have put them on my hard drive & give them to my friend for upload. To save time I'm going to upload them all at once but put them on private & change them when the release date comes. Anyway.

I've started to film "Purple & Annoying Episode Eveleen : The night of the living live (Part 1/2)". Its an OK episode down on paper so hopefully it will be better as the finish product. Anyway I'm super sleepy & I've been dozening off abit so I'm going to get some sleep.

Thank you,

Sunday, 5 July 2009

News: Still having problems.


Well I'm still having problems with uploading three commentaries up onto You Tube, I still thinks it my crappy Internet connection. The videos will be up soon tho I'm sending the files to a friend who has a better Internet connection & will upload them for me, so yeah they will be up soon.

Also on the final commentary that will be uploaded on the 29th, along with it will be the teaser trailer for Wasteland, so look forward to that. Anyway sorry for these delays but who cares.

Thank... O'wait one moment on Tuesday it Bungie day & there giving Recon to anyone who wins a 4v4 macthmaking game against Bungie's employees, I really don't care about Recon but I would like to get a set to finish a story plot in Purple & Annoying. So yeah if you know my gamertag & would like to help you're welcome to join the party & play a few rounds.

Thank you,

Friday, 3 July 2009

News: You Tube still being a bitch.


You Tube is still being a bitch. One of my friends say that You Tube for the last year or so have had some bugs & this could be the reason for the upload failures. Well I think its to do with the my crap Internet connection so I'm going to take the files over to my friends house & try again. If they fail again I'll make the files even smaller & try again but they will be up some time this week (hopefully). Anyway sorry for the delays.

Thank you,

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Video: You Tube is being a bitch.


I been trying all day to upload the commentaries but You Tube is being a bitch a not uploading them, I'll keep trying but I could only seem to get one of the commentaries up online (link below). Anyway if there not up by 4:00 pm they will be online friday because I've got some work to finish up, so yeah HI5.

Purple & Annoying Commentary Playlist