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Monday, 31 August 2009

Video: The Wasteland Teaser Trailer.


Here it is The Wasteland teaser trailer, let me say this now this shows nothing of the story line but should keep you happy until Purple & Annoying starts. Also on the subject Purple & Annoying won't start until next week because I haven't got my college schedule yet but the second I do I'll workout a filming schedule. Anyway going back to play Wolfenstein.

You Tube

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

News: I'm Back...


Yes I'm officially back from holiday (one where I went to London & did nothing but none the less a holiday). Well anyway there is some news, first off I've decided to scrap Purple & Annoying Episode Eleven "Night of The Living Live" mainly because the second half of the script is main drama & has little comedy. This also means that episode twelve is also scraped, there are all ready to new episode in production called "Clans" & "Achievements Whores". On the subject of Purple & Annoying, season two starts some time next week so yeah look forward to that.

Also I seem to have to much on my plate (so to speak) & can't seem to work out a plan of action so I might be dropping some shows but I haven't had enough time to think about it but yeah. Anyway. I've had a few E-mails about The Wasteland teaser, yes I know its not out I give a shit. It be out soon though. Anyway next week Purple & Annoying Season Two Starts so yeah, cool.

Thank you,