Welcome to New Mad Cowpicture's Blog.

Here you will find news, updates, special events & requests regarding New Mad Cowpictures.

Monday, 10 March 2008

NMCP blog opening.


How is everyone out there in the big and scary internet? Fine? That is great! For those of you out there who share an interest this is going to be New Mad Cowpictures official blog, while our official site is bing coded.This blog will house all the updates, news, and latest content from New Mad Cowpictures... So lets start with some news.

The Hunter Script Finish is finally finished! Yes, it's true the upcoming Halo 3 machinima, 'Hunter' has finally got a finshed script. The first episode has gone into production and hopefully we'll be able to show some of our work later this year.

Thank you,