In the last post I mention that me & some friends where putting together a website where we preview, review, & talk about games, well here it is Mad Gamers Journal so pay a visit or whatever. Over the last couple of weeks (?) I had some E-mails with feedback about the site, this is the sort of thing the E-mails said;
Anonymous said:
The site looks really professional.
Anonymous said:
Finally got a home NMCP, yes. Plus I'm happy its actually got a forum.
I know that there both anonymous but they didn't leave there names & there E-mail address had some stupid name. Well there feedback was the only feedback that was spelled right, other peoples E-mails where just "Wubusw aihdfsoh dshsdp" or something like that.
In other news I'm working on a NMCP's 2008 preview for all you fans to get a sneak peak at whats to come for the rest of this year. The preview will include the first scene of Hunter & a trailer for Unhuman season one, there sadly won't be a trailer for The Combine Story. Also I'm starting to think about the release date for the pilot episode for The Hunter, after that I will go back to work on the rest of Unhuman season one. Anyway that is it for today.
Thank you,
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