Welcome to New Mad Cowpicture's Blog.

Here you will find news, updates, special events & requests regarding New Mad Cowpictures.

Saturday, 31 May 2008

Video: Classics


Because of alot of E-mails about old films like "Escape From The City", "Soul Harvest" and other New Mad Cowpictures classics. They will be posted on You Tube only, we will link the account so you the fans can watch old time classics. The classics will be online when the link below is active.

You Tube

Friday, 30 May 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 7 Inprogress


Well since monday I've been work my back off trying to get episodes 7, 8 and 9 ready for you, If your lucky I might upload it up on monday (If I can). I've been writing the a bit of the mini-series, the series has been going well and is coming out the begin of August. Well thats all I can say at the moement but two weeks before the end of Unhuman I will announce everything about the show.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Notice: You Tube partnership


Well today we were think of getting a partnership with YouTube to help New Mad Cowpictures become more well know, but we need alot Subscribers and veiws on our videos. So would the NMCP communitie help us and subscribe to NMCPonline and help us gain partnership. This will also help know how many people uses that account and how important it is to post videos on the account. Thank you for the help.

Also we would like to say that there might be a series page for "Unhuman" on Machinima.com and that should make finding episode alot easyer for you.

Monday, 26 May 2008

News: The result of "Unhuman" poll


Well heres the results of the "Unuhuman" poll, so the new one is "What did you think of Unhuman episodes 5 & 6". Happy voting.

Video: Unhuman Episode Five & Six


Well here it is, Unhuman Episode Five: A Reborn Abitily. Below is the description.

Dave just escapes Mr. Statways hitmen, then finds out there more to know about Mark

The Movies
You Tube

Well here it is, Unhuman Episode Six: A Plot, Below is the description.

Dave find out that Mark is just look for Dave, he needs Dave.

The Movies
You Tube

Notice: Whats going on?


I'm sick of having E-mails about what happening with the production line, like when is "The Hunter" series going back into production or "The Half-life show". Well to stop the E-mails I'm making a production line calendar, so heres the first dates I have worked out.

Unhuman will finish in july 28th
On August 3rd we start on "The Hunter" and the Mini Show
16th of August the first episode of the mini-project will start

That all that I have worked out, enjoy.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Announcement: A lot of new news


This is a big announcement so listen up, this Monday or Tuesday there will (hopefully) there will be the next two episodes of Unhuman because I have to be somewhere important next Monday so I can't upload episode six. This will mean that there will no new video next week.

Right the next announcement is that we might be getting a better way of recording our Machinima. By getting a laptop and the Dazzle capture card so look out for news on that because if that does happen "The Hunter" series will be recorded quickly and will then can go straigth into editing, then having to wait until the whole thing is film then upload on AoA to rip off the disc.

The next announcement is that we might be able to sell T-shirts (UK only) so we have some money coming into our business, there will be two designs at first so look forward to that. The last thing is after Unhuman is finished there will be a series of mini shows to fill the time while we are filming "The Hunter". The show is still under warps and only a few people know about it. Thats it for now be there will be more announce soon.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

News: The result "Empty" Poll


Here are the result of the "Empty" poll, now I agree that it wasn't the best thing NMCP has done not it was our first machinima so thank you for being kind. Will heres the nexts poll "What do you think of Unhuman Episode Five" please vote.

Also I know I have don't a double post but o'well.

Notice: Apologies to the fans


I apologies for the sound problem in Unhuman episode four I didn't realise about it until it was uploaded on the websites, to show that I'm truly sorry I will make a wallpaper or something from you, Oops realy sorry about that.

NMCP wallpapers
1280 x 1024

Also Unhuman will be realesed every monday (fringers crossed) so that means the The Chronicles Of The Hunter prouduction line will stop so that we can finish Unhuman, so look forward to that.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Video: Unhuman Episode Four


Well here its is Unhuman Episode Four: The Insideman, here the description. Dave find someone who can help I'm find out how control has powers and how to find Statway. You can find it on these links.

The Movies
You Tube

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Notice: DVD drive is here


Well our new DVD drive has arived and it works, so look forward to to lots of Unhuman episodes. there should be one this thursday and one the week after so look forward to them. There some more questions for F.A.Q so always cheack for them, and one more thing when I say I'm not tell my gamertag I don't want 100 messages saying what is it.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

General F.A.Q

Here it is, the F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions). This is for the fans benefit, to help you I've also spilt the questions up into categories so please look through all of them to find the question you are looking for. NMCP is constantly editing this post by the way and adding new questions.

Q: Can I join New Mad Cowpictures or can you join my/your clan, & help me/you with my/your Machinimas or films?

A: For New Mad Cowpictures where OK for help, but thank you for the offer. As for clans I don't belong to a clan nor care for them. I have trouble juggling a social life, college work, & production of my own projects. Doing someone else is work on top would be to much.

Q: Why is New Mad Cowpictures spelled without a space in between?

A: Well it was originally it was a spelling mistake but over time its become a little bit of a logo with that spelling of it.

Q: Who drew the cow? & why is the cow called Larry?

Daniel Zinkant, so yeah... he does have a website before I keep forgetting to ask him about the address. For why the cow is called Larry I don't know really, the NMCP's cow just looks like a Larry... therefore he is LARRY THE COW!!!

Q: You Seem to like making Machinima on Halo 3, will you move on to a different game? & if you move on to a different game what would it be?

A: Yes, probably in the future move onto another engine maybe move onto another media format altogether, like live-action, animation or something of that nature. If I continued in Machinima I would look at Uncharted 2, or Gary's Mod something that I have control over the content.

Q: What is your favorite and whats your least favorite show/ film you have done? and why?

A: I love Unhuman, Escape from the City and The End Of just because they were fun to make and film (yes I know they where all done on The Movies). Right know the least favorite, Hum... a hard one. Well I didn't like the Dark Racers: City Demolition or Mohawk because they just sucked and where poorly written compered to some of my other work.

A: Well my favorite series has to be Purple & Annoying, I know its had one episode but looking at the scripts for the other ones it looks like its going to a good series. Warthog & ME is closely following because this series is being written once every week so the episode you see was written that week & hasn't had a chance to finalize.

My least favorite work is Unhuman, The series just sucks because of the limitations within The Movies. I'm not saying the game is bad but for what I'm doing its just not free enough to do anything unique. Also the characters... well its a series I've lost interest in. But don't get me wrong there are still stuff I've done in The Movies I still like.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Notice: DVD disk drive died


Sorry to say that my DVD disk drive die last night it wouldn't readed the movies or the any of our filming equiptment but we have brought a new one and it should be here at the weekend. Hopefuly Unhuman will be out some time next week or the week after.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

News: Starting On Unhuman


well the opening to "Empty" didn't go well and it had some bad comments but O'well, now we have we time to work on Unhuman so look forward to the rest of the series. Hopefuly you will see the next bunch of episodes soon, the next one on the line is Episode Four: The Inside Man so look forward to that, plus click here and you can find the episode list for the hole season enjoy.

There is some news about the people who do our music, well they are going to put there first ablum up for download so that will be up soon.

The only other news is about the Forum Starter Pack is that we don't have Photoshop at the moement because we rest our computer so we need to reinstall that then everyone can get the Pack so look forward to see it. One thing to say there are now three MODs so thank for that, the people are GLH, Simon and Cookie click the links for any help. Thats all for now.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Video: "Empty"


Breacking news, "Empty" has just been upload so whatch it on the links below. heres the :

"Empty" A Halo 3 Manchina by NMCP, Empty is an outpost the researchs in alien technology, but the research lab sent a code red signal (Which is an under an attack signal) so the UNSC send out two souts to find out whats going on.

You Tube
Halo Tube

Saturday, 3 May 2008

News: Site News


Ok here some site news, ok. please read because its important.

Why there not many films out now
Becaue there are exams coming up and I have started to revise from them so I have realy been worling on any films.

PC Upgrade
We have had are PC upgraded so we need to clear some stuff out and then we can start working again.

Forum MOD
We need MOD's in our furoms. MOD's are the people who over look the topic and make sore that people are going by the rules ok. Please send us an E-mail if you are intersted (nmcp@burdall.com).

That is realy it so please enjoy the site, thank you.