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Sunday, 14 September 2008

News: Ah!!! this is killing me


Over the last week the I haven't been posting because I've been try to fix the problems, that right there back but now I'm saying "SOD IT, I'm sick of filming the same scene over and over again". So I went and brought Sony Vegas, awesome. So I'm back working on "Purple & Annoying" so look forward to that. Also I've worked out how to film in wide screen on the camera so future episodes will be film in wide screen.

Purple & Annoying Episode One Progesstion Bar
Script Writing: 100%
Live Action: 100%
Gameplay Acted: 95%
Gameplay Captured: 90%
Voice Acting: 0%
Edited (Sony Vegas): 30%
Edited (Adobe PEV 4.0): 90%

heres a progess bar (Above) on Purple & Annoying so people do know I'm putting my best effort into this series, also ingore the Adobe % because it crash so much I'm not using that program anymore. Also another reason I've haven't posted is because I working on a TOP SECRET Film or Series or animation project called "Meta Cow" there some of you will get an "Beta Invite" to so look out for that. Thats all the news, bye.

Thank you,