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Sunday, 13 September 2009

News: This is a test.


I'm just testing out Blogspots new features.

Anyway there isn't got to be a Purple & Annoying episode this week instead I'm going to upload a project I've been writing for a year or so now, a Tagged video. If you don't know what being tagged means then you've been living under a rock or you don't give a shit about these games, but if you want to know Tagged means in the basic of basic terms is where someone has shared 5 facts about themself through an video & then choosen (or "Tagged") 5 other people to do the same. I normaly wouldn't give a fuck about this but Felicia tagged me & because shes a friend I'll give it a shot. Also this project is to test out my new microphone, so yeah. HI5 & so on.

Thank you,