Welcome to New Mad Cowpicture's Blog.

Here you will find news, updates, special events & requests regarding New Mad Cowpictures.

Monday, 30 June 2008

Poll Result: What did you think of Unhuman episode eight ?


Well heres the poll results for "What did you think of Unhuman episode eight ?", Thank you everyone for not clicking the last option thank you. Right this weeks poll is "What did you think of Unhuman episode nine ?", Happy voting.

Thank you,

Video: Unhuman Episode Nine


Well Unhuman Episode Nine is out, this one is called "The End" (and before some of you start to bitch about this is the last episode no it is'nt). This episode makes up for last weeks episode, below is the description.

Dave meets a strange person just below Statways office, Who is he? Also Dave starts to fight Statway.

The Movies
You Tube

Sunday, 29 June 2008

News: Forum update


Well the forums are 95% done, it looks better and is 100% nicer then the old version. Well we have a few more things to do on the forums but it pretty much done. Right after we finish the forums we will work on the You Tube account and other ones to make them 100% official and seem seamless between loading page well apart from Machinima & Halo Tube but O'well.

I'm working on the last details of Unhuman episode nine, this makes up for the crappy episode last week. Hopeful I will be done my lunch time Monday, if so I have a mini-machinima I've been working on. Its sorta follow up to "Empty" but not a crap, The story line basically they have catched the creature in the base "The Project" and is being held at a base called the "Last Hope". But for how long can it be held...

This will not effected Unhuman, this should be released around thursday (well hopefully, well...)

Thank you,

Friday, 27 June 2008

News: The Hunter Rewrite


Well because I'm releasing Purple & Annoying first I have time to rewite some of the stuff I was'nt to happy about in the write like some of the episodes moves to fast and the charaters seem to jump around from loaction to loaction.

Also I would like to say this weekend check the Forums for a hugh update so look about for that.

Thank you,



Yes today I started to design the new buttons, skins and icons for new New Mad Cowpictures redesign. Right you will notice that it says BETA BUILD version 0.1 that just means that I have change anything at the moement but later on you will have to tell me what is'nt right E.G. links going to different places, Forum has blown up with crap or the cow is moving because I will need to fix it.

Rigtht one of the new updates is that it says posted by Simon now, not by New Mad Cowpictures. Some of the new feature or updates will be buttons at the buttom or the top of the page. So keep your eyes out for the new updates & features.

Thank you,

Thursday, 26 June 2008

News: Site updates & Show news


OK site news, right I'm going to update the page a bit like with links on how to contact us and other useful things. Also I'm updating the You Tube page just because it needs it. Also after Unhuman finishes I'm have a break to plan for the next series of shows please note that there maybe some Halo 3 shorts in between. Plus here's a ruff plan on whats coming up.

-Now until July 28th Unhuman episodes 9-13
-From the 1st of August filming Purple & Annoying
-From when finished filming, Purple & Annoying episodes 1-6 (well around six episodes)
-After Purple & Annoying finishes Filming The Hunter
-When I finish filming, The Hunter episodes 1-6
-After The Hunter has finished then planing for new shows or season

Also I have pulled the Half-Life 2 show because of the work to do with programing witch I can't do, I'm sorry if any of you were looking forward the series but it would of turn out crap and boring and unwatchable, sorry.

Well for the last few day's I've been think about the future of Unhuman, the other day I felt that the series is starting to get boring and becoming unwatchable. At one ponit I though of stopping the show after season one. Now fans are going E-mail me saying "O' but you can improve", yes I know I can and I will its just after season one don't keep you hopes up for another Unhuman episode. Also please note I haven't officially stop the series so don't bitch about it.

Thank you,

Monday, 23 June 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 9 Inprogess, and Other Anncouncements


I just though I would say today I started to film episode 9, and I would like to say thank you for all the great feed back about "Purple & Annoying" I'm so hyped about the series just on the paper it made some of my friends laugh. Also I would like to say I have more free time to make films so look forward to good quality not the stuff I make in one week. Also here's the F.A.Q expansion questions, these questions will be also add to the F.A.Q page. Enjoy.

Q: Why is New Mad Cowpictures spelled without a space in between?

A: Well it was originally it was a spelling mistake but over time its become a little bit of a logo with that spelling of it.

Q: What is your favorite and whats your least favorite show/ film you have done? and why?

A: I love Unhuman, Escape from the City and The End Of just because they were fun to make and film (yes I know they where all done on The Movies). Right know the least favorite, Hum... a hard one. Well I didn't like the Dark Racers: City Demolition or Stunts because they just sucked and where poorly written compered to some of my other work.

Q: Why do you sound like a jerk at times?

A: Well first I'm sorry if I sound like one but its when people ask the same question over and over, or when I make a video to the best I could do in a week they post a comment saying (please note this was a real comment I got)

u shud delete this shiet b4 u get more comments like mine

I get a bit P off, sorry if I come off as a jerk but I quite nice in real life.

Q: What happen to the other staff?

A: They left to do there own career and get real jobs.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Video: Unhuman Episode Eight


here it is Uhuman Episode Eight, I have got to say I'm not to impress with the fight scene in this episode by this is the best I can do in the time. Right I'm just saying I'm not making one for this monday because I won't be by A computer to be able to make a episode, sorry about this. Theres the descirption.

Dave starts to fight Mr. Statways secert weapon, O.D.E but what powers does have at his hand.

The Moives
You Tube

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Announcement: A lot of new shows


OK to make up for the delay I'm going to announce some information about the new shows, so let start off with the comedy that I have been so hype up about.

“Purple & Annoying” A Halo 3 Machinima
This is the show that I have been so busy writing. The show is base on and around the annoying people you see on Xbox Live, the main character is a over asuration of those players but in purple aroumr because why not. The basic story line is that an unlucky NOOB meets an annoying guy in teams doubles, just before NOOB gives up and quites something happens that makes them change the way they play online forever.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Poll Result: What did you think of Unhuman episode seven ?


I'm realy sorry about the delay hopefuly it will be out around thursday, I'm sorry but I have been so busy. Anyway heres the result of the poll "What Did You Think Of Unhuman Episode Seven ?"
thank you for all how voted, Also this is the first poll where we go a vote on "It was Rubbish". O'there is a new lay out for the poll result showing you how many votes the poll got.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 8 Delay


Yeah, sorry I have'nt had the time to make a good quitly episode for you, and before everyone starts bitching at me about the episode I'am just going to say I have had a busy week its been hell so please don't start. sorry.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 8 Inprogess


well today Unhuman Episode Eight go into production, yea. In other news we have made a theme song for Unhuman that we are hopeful going to put in episode eight, it was going to be in episode seven but I could'nt get The Movies to register the song in The Movie's song list but I will try and get it to work for this week but I dout it.

Monday, 9 June 2008

News: The result "Unhuman" poll


Heres the result of the "What did you think of Unhuman Episode Five & Six", So heres the next Poll "What did you think of Unhuman Episode Seven". Also remenber that there is another poll going on "Should NMCP do a podcast or a video update every month?" so remenber to vote.

Video: Unhuman Episode Seven


Well here it is Unhuman Episode Seven, I have to say that I'm not happy with the voices because I got to go out tonight so I did the best I could. Sorry. Well below is the description.

Dave & CO start to attack Mr. Statway, but what but is Mr. Statways secert weapon.

The Movies
You Tube

Sunday, 8 June 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 7 is done, plus more


Unhuman Episode seven is done well 95% done just done the finishing touches, if you haven't checked the link for the names of the episodes this weeks is called "The Assault Part 1" so I hope all of you enjoy the episode. Right in other news New Mad Cowpictures is thinking of doing a podcast or a video update now and again but we don't know if that's a good idea so we what your opinion, there will be a poll up for three weeks for you to vote on the idea.

Also the NMCP's Forum Starter Picture picture pack is nearly ready but I haven't had much time to work on it. I have also written the first episode of the new series, I have show the idea to people and they can't wait until its out. Well that all the news apart form there might be a video out this week (Thursday) to stop E-mails coming in and blowing up the inbox, Since March my inbox has jumped up into 1,500 messages about shows ideas and other F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) so hopeful this video will stop 15% of the 1,500 messages coming in.