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Here you will find news, updates, special events & requests regarding New Mad Cowpictures.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 7 is done, plus more


Unhuman Episode seven is done well 95% done just done the finishing touches, if you haven't checked the link for the names of the episodes this weeks is called "The Assault Part 1" so I hope all of you enjoy the episode. Right in other news New Mad Cowpictures is thinking of doing a podcast or a video update now and again but we don't know if that's a good idea so we what your opinion, there will be a poll up for three weeks for you to vote on the idea.

Also the NMCP's Forum Starter Picture picture pack is nearly ready but I haven't had much time to work on it. I have also written the first episode of the new series, I have show the idea to people and they can't wait until its out. Well that all the news apart form there might be a video out this week (Thursday) to stop E-mails coming in and blowing up the inbox, Since March my inbox has jumped up into 1,500 messages about shows ideas and other F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) so hopeful this video will stop 15% of the 1,500 messages coming in.