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Monday, 23 June 2008

News: Unhuman Episode 9 Inprogess, and Other Anncouncements


I just though I would say today I started to film episode 9, and I would like to say thank you for all the great feed back about "Purple & Annoying" I'm so hyped about the series just on the paper it made some of my friends laugh. Also I would like to say I have more free time to make films so look forward to good quality not the stuff I make in one week. Also here's the F.A.Q expansion questions, these questions will be also add to the F.A.Q page. Enjoy.

Q: Why is New Mad Cowpictures spelled without a space in between?

A: Well it was originally it was a spelling mistake but over time its become a little bit of a logo with that spelling of it.

Q: What is your favorite and whats your least favorite show/ film you have done? and why?

A: I love Unhuman, Escape from the City and The End Of just because they were fun to make and film (yes I know they where all done on The Movies). Right know the least favorite, Hum... a hard one. Well I didn't like the Dark Racers: City Demolition or Stunts because they just sucked and where poorly written compered to some of my other work.

Q: Why do you sound like a jerk at times?

A: Well first I'm sorry if I sound like one but its when people ask the same question over and over, or when I make a video to the best I could do in a week they post a comment saying (please note this was a real comment I got)

u shud delete this shiet b4 u get more comments like mine

I get a bit P off, sorry if I come off as a jerk but I quite nice in real life.

Q: What happen to the other staff?

A: They left to do there own career and get real jobs.