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Tuesday, 30 June 2009

News: Change of plan.


There been a bit of a change going around with the schedule. I've worked out that there would only be five episodes before I go on a break again & that is not enough time to get back into the routine. So I've change the schedule tomorrow instead of Purple & Annoying episode one of season two I will release the commentaries for both Purple & Annoying & Warthog & ME.

So each week I will release two commentaries from each season, i.e. Purple & Annoying episodes 1-2 & Warthog & ME 1-2, then next week 3-4 & so on. So yeah & when I come back I will go back to the normal schedule. Anyway that is a big heads up. See ya on the fli... what is wrong with me, bye for now.

Thank you,