I've pretty much finished editing the new episode of Purple & Annoying entitled "Unbootable", which everyone can sort of guest what is going to happen. Probably my favourite episode so far beats might beat "Mythic" but lets wait & find out.
Also I've uploaded a list of the episode our going to see in season two of Purple & Annoying, the ones that stand out are of course "Night of the living live (Part 1 & 2)" & " Return of the Ninja" (please note I haven't yet spoken to Owen about this episode) but yeah this is going to be a good season.
There some casting going on for the Fallout 3 machinima "The Wasteland". I'm not going to say anything about whats happening but there are a few new characters that will join NMCP. Al tho Wasteland is yet to have a solid plot but I've got a basic out line.
Also I don't think you can go anywhere online without hearing about Micheal Jackson, but anyway R.I.P your music was some of the best. Anyway see you on the flip side, what the fuck is up with me. Anyway bye.
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