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Monday, 15 June 2009

News: New Term.


Well I've only got two week left at college before I leave, SHIT!!! has it been a fucking year all ready jez. Anyway I'm going to start making show, episode, film again until I've finished college, which will be the 26Th, so a new "Purple & Annoying" on the 30Th.

Also in the mean time I've been making some new music to put in the new shows, I'm also working on a new WARNING label & I'm working on a new production logo, so yeah... HAPPY DAYS. Also my new graphics card arrived, the "ATI HD 4770" which is a good little thing, so now I can run GTA IV on pc at a smoother rate. Also "[PROTOTYPE]" arrived on Friday, its so so so so so so so so so good it kicks ass. Anyway thats a big heads up, see ya.

Thank you,